Frederik Højfeldt
Frederik Højfeldt grew up in Egernsund, a small town in Southern Jutland. Here he lived next to an old brickworks. Huge production halls, offices and warehouses. Stone and clay. Eventually, the brickworks closed - it had to be demolished. Small stages at a time. The more it closed down, the more the brickworks opened up for Frederik. It meant adventure on his own for him, his brothers and friends. An adventure with curiosity and a camera as faithful companions.
Inspired by foreign surroundings
Frederik gets his inspiration from his surroundings. Especially when they are changing. Both the environment out in the real world, but also very much his digital environment. Frederik often saves things for later use. He writes things down in note form on his phone, takes reference pictures on his iPhone, picks out bits of lyrics from a song, travels the other side of the world on Google Maps, picks words from an article and takes screenshots from the web.
He is also hugely inspired by other people's hobbies. Especially when it's niche and perhaps biased. Frederik can become quite ethnographically interested in why people do what they do, and how their world is connected and changing.
Focus on the story
Frederik is not an educated photographer but has a degree in digital design and communication. Photography for him is just a deep passion and a tool. He believes that photography is an opportunity to express oneself visually in a larger visual (digital) narrative.
He has always been focused on the narrative. Since school in the written word. Later it was focusing on video production, then music and theatre, then media studies, and then digital design.